Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Taleesha C. Stewart as Ruth Younger

About Taleesha
Taleesha C. Stewart (Ruth Younger) - Writer, Actress, Poet

For as far back as memory allows, Taleesha has carried a passion for the arts. With a natural ability to paint a picture with words, she has performed her own poetic works for over 15 years. Taleesha currently resides in St. Louis MO, however she is a Hoosier in its truest sense, born and raised in Gary Indiana.

She is a lover, partner, mother, sister, daughter and friend with an outlook on life that is best summarized by one of her favorite quotes:  “Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.” Taleesha would like to thank each of you for creating beauty by simply being you.

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